Payment - The commission generated from the qualified sale to the referred customer which is withdrawable as a commission payment.Payment term agreed at NET 60 from the date of invoice received.
Campaign - The organised programme of advertising and promotional activity as set out in the Campaign Schedule or, if there is no Campaign Schedule, as otherwise agreed by the parties. The programme may consist of only one or more items, whether an Advertisement or promotional activity or other activity or item;
Campaign Pause Notice - Any campaign can be paused or stopped by the advertiser for the defined schedule as and when required which is informed with a notice. The lead time of 12hrs will be provided for scheduled campaign paused. In an event when the campaign is paused due to unavoidable circumstances vCommission can direct the publisher to pause the campaign on immediate basis.
Fraud - Any unidentified or untraceable sale committed by a party to a contract, or with his connivance, or by his agents, with intent to deceive thereto or his agent, or to induce him to earn the benefits. Publisher cannot hold vCommission responsible for any conversion which are not validate by the client or are not billable to vCommission. Further vCommission cannot be held responsible for any but not limited to cancelled, missed on client Analytics or not attributed conversions.
Cancelled Transactions- Any transaction or purchase that is cancelled by either party or which results in incomplete purchase or sale is deemed cancelled with no benefits or is RTO or is deemed non billable by client. This also include any conversion which are not fulfilled as per the terms of the campaign.
vCommission Publisher terms: It is hereby understood that in case of dispute in terms of validation or anyother case, vCommission publisher agreement will supersedes this agreement. The terms can be referred at It will be the responsibility of the publisher to check the updates on the above url on timely basis.